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Critical ops hack 0.9.11.f147

Possible Proposal at the National The chairman and members of bu^ added^tha f it '‘Vould bein-įunem- Economic Development Council, the Commission will he ^ronntte tn ainoTnt a Ia^-erĪvers- t0 devel °P sucb schemes under announced later. □cation: who enthusiastically pushed this profession.” £fJL onfid Kt« e of ant * entry *0 the legal mission which should command organisation, training, regulation ° n the membership of the Com. Laces in are lukewarm, at best, about such public interest in the structure, take the “ widest consultations ” Provide European Economic Commission changes are desirable in the She urged the Prime Minister to and if so what, fesslon to remain independent, Per her- Both the Government and the whether any. England and Wales and consider, lined the need for the legal pro.

  • services in Leader of the Opposition, under.
  • * have been urged by the TUC and vision of legal

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    Scheme- schemes for machine tools which and practice relating to the pro- Mrs. Sort of industiy stockpiling It will " inquire into the law business. Cost committed in this package to the Commons yesterday’. Y down formal Government money is by the Prime Minister in the solicitors from undertaking con-ĥ. It is highly significant that no legal profession was announced people who are not barristers or

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    THE SETTING-UP of a Royal The inquiry will also coverĬommission to inquire into the restrictive rules preventing Rperts were called outto strains, continued to lose aft er allowance for savings els'e.

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    inte rnational mangy to be spent during 1976-77, and

  • GILTS, reflecting Interest rate Less than £140m.
  • closed only 41 lower at lbe coming financial year willĪth of hunger striker 400.

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    K and British, police 30-Share Infer, down 2J8 at 10 the net effect on employment in Jlster ' tensions mounted while the large fmjd^alslng situati^lnd boos^ iidGiSaĪy as the recalled Con- issue which had been rumoured inve stme ntĪbruptly broke up in failed to materialise. ZEJt L^SS^.J2S53ft alleviating V ^unemployment EQUITIES wer equlet await- yesterday unveiled a £215m.Where - in the shape of lower 'Projects to be finished before The coming financial year will discuss with machine toolīe to create or save some 70 000 industry ways of financingĪfter allowance for savings else- ™ ore for public sector housing It is officially estimated that indust ry. more under Section 8 ofĮconomic package aimed' at industry Act for moderaisa. Move to ease unemployment and boost investment (^Qj||j|| jgg JQJ|īY WILLIAM KEEGAN, ECONOMICS CORRESPONDENT Full text of " Financial Times, 1976, UK, English"

    Critical ops hack 0.9.11.f147